Wheat Thins Sweet Cinnamon

Wheat Thins, not gonna lie, you're coming at me a little strong. You know I'm not a huge fan of healthy snacks, so why are you bombarding me with flavors and hand-written notes and breaking into my house with your seasonal charm? You're starting to resemble Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. I've resisted your charms in the past, though. I ignored your Crunch Stix and smiled wanly at your Smoky Barbecue wiles, but this time, you've made a Michael Douglas out of me with the sweet seduction of your Sweet Cinnamon. You've got me. It's bonafide Stockholm Syndrome, addict-worthy, head-over-heels craziness. I absolutely love these. Also, I'm officially calling Sweet Cin as my imaginary Second Life avatar name right now.
There's not a whole lot to say about these that hasn't been said before. I appreciated the seasonal touch of including a cinnamon stick with my box. (Your box may vary.) I was a little skeptical about the hazy interpretation behind the Kevorkian-esque snowman on the front severing a Wheat Thin with his stabby carrot nose. I'm perpetually annoyed with flavor dust. But all of that pales in comparison to the fact that I honestly almost finished a box of these in a week. Tore through it despite knowing that I had a bag of Flamin' Cheetos and gingerbread cookies lying in wait. I'm a little surprised myself.
What really gets me about these is the striking resemblance to freshly made cinnamon toast. The Wheat Thin base has a brown sugar and butter flavor to begin with, with just a touch of salinity, and the cinnamon-sugar coating is strong, but not too pervasive on the palate. The crunchiness of the cracker reminds me of the crispiest edges of the hot toast, and I suspect that eating these warmed up or mixed up with some raisins would make it even more breakfast-like. I tried them with cream cheese and apple slices and fell in love. Basically, anything that you would do to your toast to make it tastier, do with these. I'm not sure if the ham and cheese dip is a suggestion I'll be following, but hey, I've had worse meals than a piece of cinnamon raisin toast with string cheese. Maybe putting it in portable form is the way to go. My only chief complaints are nitpicky at best, warning you that the cinnamon leaves your mouth somewhat dry and that the flavor dust coating is somewhat inconsistent, with some Thins nearly bare and others doused with dust.

I was sent a box of these and am now passing the wealth onto you like a 409 scam with actual payout. I've got ten boxes of these babies for the reader (or readers!) who can write me a halfway decent haiku about Wheat Thins or Foodette Reviews! Have at it and I'll post the winners next Monday!

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