Lo and behold, like the transformation of a boy to a man, or a man to a Transformer, my refrigerator has grown the hell up. The moment another live, human being stepped over the threshold of my smelly apartment and asked for a snack, I suddenly grew a pair- of avocados, that is. And duck thighs, and whole-grain mustard, and fresh steak, and smoked gouda. I now have a fridge that a normal adult would be proud of. Foodette is back, and she came with condiments. One of my new favorite things is yogurt. I realize that most of the adult world discovered this as soon as they entered college, but blame my developmental disability and quirky childlike whimsy, please. And now I have sixteen kinds of yogurt! The latest and greatest variety is Smari, an organic Icelandic yogurt made by sassy cows from Wisconsin. (Angie looks like Amanda Seyfried!!)
Smari is twee in the best possible way. It's a crash course in excellent marketing, graphic design, and quality control. I'm enamored with the bold linear label design, more approachable than Siggi's Hieronymous Bock imitations and sleeker than Chobani. The slogan- "the brave yogurt of Iceland!" is adorable, as is their horn-hatted spoon logo. And each cup has four cups of milk. We're coming out on top already, which, of course means the expectations are even higher for the product inside.
Smari does not disappoint. With 130 calories and a whopping 17 grams of protein per cup, it's my new favorite way to start the morning or end the day- whenever I feel like I need the most energy. Of the four flavors Smari sent over, blueberry was my favorite. It has a rich, jammy flavor with a natural sweetness that the high acidity of the yogurt brings out marvelously.
The milkiness is concentrated in this particular brand- perhaps a little too much, as the flavor eventually starts to taste very rich and cheesy after a few bites, more like sour cream with some blueberries thrown in than yogurt. I am curious to try this in a miniature cheesecake, as its flavor packs quite a powerful punch. Flavor-wise, Noosa is still preferential, but this has a better all-around package.
Labels: 8, breakfast