
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Give your worst grilling story, win $25 to Quizno's!

What's your worst grilling story? Ever lit something on fire? Have you accidentally served up hamburgers at a vegan barbecue? If your story is picked, you could win one of three $25 gift cards to Quizno's!

Here's how to win:

1. Tweet this on Twitter and link back to me: "Confess your grilling horror stories to @FoodetteReviews and win $25 to Quizno's! #quiznos"

2. Comment or email with your grilling horror stories.

3. Like us on Facebook!

For every one of those tasks completed, you'll receive an entry. Winners will be drawn on Sunday, July 1st!


  1. Its pretty simple, I was grilling, knocked a can of the firestarter into the grill...lets just say I didn't have grilled chicken in the emergency room.

    I also liked and followed

  2. My worst grill story is definitely the time my sister came over with her husband's family and we had everything on our little grill from the early 1990s and my dog Barbados got startled by someone bumping into him and ran RIGHT into the grill and knocked all the meat to the ground, lol! It was terrible, we all ended up going to a Brazilian restaurant instead. I was just thankful he didn't get burnt.

    I tweeted it on twitter:

    and I liked you on Facebook.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  3. I liked you on Facebook (id - A Ann Casson)

  4. @FoodetteReviews
    My worst grilling story is grilling hamburgers with an inexpensive,old, and very well used grill with a glass lid. I cleaned the grill and fired it up, walked into the kitchen to get the hamburger meat and heard a loud noise. The glass grill lid had exploded and shattered glass everyone. With no back-up grill, I had to cook the hamburgers in a skillet.
