
Friday, March 23, 2012

Robert Rothschild Thai Plum Garlic Dipping Sauce

Today brought sunny skies, a productive afternoon, and an enormous package of Robert Rothschild sauces and snacks from Buyer's Best Friend, quickly turning into Foodette's Best Friend with the selection of goodies they tossed my way. Most of the package consisted of some awesome looking simmar sauces, one of which I immediately eyed as my conquest for tonight's dinner. Thai Plum Garlic, you sultry devil. Once again, due to my inability to eke out more than three pages of dry academia in more than one sitting, I turned to cooking to ease the drudgery.
Tonight's selection was a hodge-podge. I flirted with using a few other Asian ingredients to accentuate the sauce along with my cornmeal potstickers, but a brief tryst with sake-infused onions yielded no more than an awesome, creepy sci-fi photo and an overly sweet end product. Basil-infused garlic just seemed stupid. So, a few caramelized pearl onions and slices of pickled ginger later, I had my potsticker mixture in record time.
The sauce was really the highlight of the filling- it brought a sweet, yet pungent flavor to the chicken and really enhanced the ginger with a zippy chili flavor. Its texture was thick and bound everything together without the need for additional binder or liquid.
It wasn't too sweet or salty, though, and had a quick lick of heat that inspired dipping the dumplings into the sauce even after using them in the mixture! A sign of a great condiment, for sure. While the dumplings weren't perfect- I still have a ways to go with my wrapper recipe, the sauce definitely gave them that deliciously glutenous texture and flavor without having to order take-out.
Do you have any good tips for dumplings or best go-to grilling recipes? I have a ton of condiments to use now and I need all the tips I can get!

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