
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pick the March Theme Week!

Hey, guys!

I've noticed that theme weeks are pretty popular. I got a ton of great feedback for Gross Week, so I'm deciding to do a few more in the next few months. To celebrate Foodette's 3rd birthday (yikes!) in April, we're kicking off with Nostalgia Week (maybe ten days if you want to) and will be featuring all your favorite foods from the 80's and 90's. Suggestions wanted! I'm prepared to go big on this one.

However, for March I thought it might be fun to let you decide once more. Presenting the official March theme week candidates:

Mixed Review Week: I get the craziest and most clever baking mixes and try them out. If you've seen something strange in the grocery store, this is the theme to vote on. I'll be featuring artisanal mixes as well as Betty Crocker's finest.

Spicy Week II: Spicy Week got such a great reception that I'm ready for more heat. Be ready for an onslaught of spicy snacks, sauces, and rubs.

Booze Week: I'll be slugging the worst along with the best in this theme week, with plenty of mixers and specialty vodkas for your perusal. Taking a page from Nobly Rotten, we'll be writing about all things alcohol-infused.

Chocolate Week: This week will feature a giveaway! In this theme week, I'll be rounding up my favorite chocolates and chocolate-flavored snacks and drinks and tasting them all for you.

Japanese Week: Courtesy of J-List and Miss Love, this week will feature all the unique Japanese snack action you can handle, complete with funky Kit-Kats. If you've enjoyed my write-ups on cocktail-flavored Doritos and spicy chocolates, this is the one for you.

European Week: Foodette will be swept away by the British Invasion for a week and will have plenty of European snacks to write about.

Voting starts now and ends on March 4th and I'll pick the theme week with the most votes! The voting tab is under the BlogHer sidebar on the righthand side- comment away, but votes will only be used from the counter!
